Current Weather

Last Update: 02/09/25 at 3:12p
Forcast: Increasing clouds with little temperature change.

Sunrise: 6:45a
Sunset: 5:33p
Moon Phase: Waxing Gibbous
Temp: 70.8 °F
Humidity: 21%
Barometer: 30.019 mm hg and Falling Rapidly
Wind (10 Min Avg): 4.0 mph NNE (24 deg)
Solar Radiation: 399 w/m²
Wind Chill: 70.8 °F
Dew Point: 28.9 °F
Today's Rain: 0.00 in at 0.00 in/hr
Season Rain: 2.26 in
Storm Total: 0.00 in
Inside Temp: 73.0 °F

Today's Highs and Lows

High Low
Temp: 70.8 °F at 3:09p 55.6 °F at 12:51a
Humidity: 37% at 3:45a 20% at 1:50p
Wind Speed: 24.0 mph at 8:32a ---
Solar Radiation: 784 w/m² at 11:27a ---
Dew Point: --- 24.0 °F at 12:00a

This Month Highs and Lows

High Low
Temp: 75.8 °F 41.6 °F
Humidity: 96% 20%
Wind Speed: 24.0 mph ---
Solar Radiation: 970 w/m² ---
Dew Point: --- 23.0 °F

Yearly Highs and Lows

High Low
Temp: 76.2 °F 36.6 °F
Humidity: 96% 4%
Wind Speed: 53.0 mph ---
Solar Radiation: 970 w/m² ---
Dew Point: --- -8.0 °F

3 Day Graphical Data

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